
Dyson Sphere Defender

In a distant future, humanity has mastered the stars and constructed the ultimate power source: the Dyson Sphere. Encompassing an entire star, this monumental structure is capable of harnessing the energy of a sun, ensuring the survival and prosperity of countless civilizations. But with great power comes great threats. Hostile forces from across the galaxy…

Predator Protector

Alone and outnumbered, you find yourself in the heart of enemy territory. Stranded from your team, you encounter a deadly Predator. In a stroke of luck, you manage to take down this formidable foe and claim his advanced laser cannon. Now, equipped with this powerful weapon, your mission is clear: fend off waves of relentless…

Space Hopper

Space Hopper is a game where players control a spaceship navigating through a series of obstacles in the vast expanse of space. The primary objective is to maneuver your spaceship through gaps in energy waves and avoid collisions with obstacles, all while aiming to achieve the highest score possible. Objective: Navigate through as many obstacles…

Probe Orbiter

Probe Orbit Game is a great time waster, where players launch probes into orbit around a black hole. The primary objective is to achieve as many orbits of a probe as possible by successfully navigating the gravitational pull of planets and the black hole itself. Gameplay: Probe Launching: Players launch probes by clicking and dragging…